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What is the purpose of the RDS label?

The Responsible Down Standard label enables to market textiles containing feathers or down produced with respect to animal welfare.

What are the key guarantees of RDS?

The RDS label guarantees:

  • Down and feathers are not removed from live animals.

  • Prohibition to force-feed animals

  • Respect for the birds welfare from hatching to slaughter

How to get the RDS label?

The labelling by an independent certify body such as Ecocert validate the conformity of your practices according to the Responsible Down Standard (RDS).

For which category of products?

All textiles only with RDS-certified down and feathers (a mix with non RDS certified feather is not allowed)

Who can get certified RDS?

Duck and goose producers, manufacturers of down and feather, textiles, distributors and brands can be certified RDS.

Why choose Ecocert?

With nearly 30 years of experience for audit and certification of organic products in France and in more than 130 countries, Ecocert is the world's leading specialist in the certification of sustainable practices.

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