Committed for over 30 years, ECOCERT structured its first CSR strategy in 2017.
Since then, ECOCERT has grown, diversified and integrated new consulting and training teams. The Group has therefore decided to revisit its strategy in order to integrate these changes, accompanied by its internal experts from the consulting firm Des Enjeux et Des Hommes. Our new strategy is available in our CSR report.
(Re)discover how we act daily for a sustainable world, through our services, through the continuous improvement of our own practices within our organisation, and through cooperation with our ecosystem.
We continue, over the years, to diversify our offers and our businesses in order to provide a more complete range of services to economic and social players wishing to work sincerely to reduce their environmental footprint " Philippe Thomazo, CEO of the Ecocert Group
We want this CSR report to be accessible to as many people as possible, which is why it has been translated into 5 languages:
We wish you a good reading !