AIM: Evaluate the compliance of the client’s activities with the requirements of a certification scheme
- Plan and Prepare Audits
- - Confirm the feasibility of the audit (qualification, delay, scope, conflict of interest, location) through acceptation of the assignment
- Confirm and plan the audit and related tasks to perform with the client (date, scope, detailed plan)
- Prepare the necessary documents and tools to perform the audit (IT tools, standards and regulations, guidelines, sampling tools...)
- Review the necessary documents and knowledge related to the audit to perform (client profile, technical issues, fields of expertise, regulations and standards concerned) - Perform Audits
- - Perform all the tasks related to the assignment received and necessary to obtain sufficient evidences (opening and closing meeting, document review, interview, activity observation, sampling...)
- Evaluate evidences to determine the compliance towards requirements - Issue Audit reports
- - Write a report to present results (including findings and/or non-compliance) of audit performed
- Communicate the report to the defined internal and external recipients - Evaluate corrective actions
- - Evaluate the corrective action submitted by the client to determine if adequate and relevant towards related findings and/or non-compliance
- Evaluate evidences of corrective action implementation to determine the compliance towards findings and/or non-compliance