Protected Geographical Indication - Quebec Icewine
Quebec Icewine
Certification allows you to market your ice wine with the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) "Quebec Icewine".
The Quebec Icewine certification guarantees:
Product created exclusively from grapes having froze naturally on the vine and pressed with an external temperature less than or equal to -8°C.
Product created from grapes cultivated in Quebec, within the geographical zone identified for the PGI.
Chemical and quality tests to evaluate the market quality of the product and ensure it meets the requirements needed to use the term PGI-Quebec Icewine.
A company certified according to the PGI Quebec Icewine is permitted to use the standards’ logo.
The Quebec Icewine certification applies to Icewine from Quebec.
Vineyards within the geographical area designated on which all stages of production of the icewine take place can be certified Quebec Icewine.
With over 25 years of experience for audit and certification of organic products in CANADA, Ecocert is the specialist in the certification of sustainable practices
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