RecyClass Recyclability Certification evaluates the compatibility of plastic packaging with the entire waste management chain and the ability of the recycled material to be reused in its original application.
RecyClass developed several types of recyclability assessments for plastic packaging, answering the needs of the entire plastic value chain:
The labelling by an independent certification body such as Ecocert validates the conformity of your packaging according to the Recyclability standard of Recyclass.
Only final packaging as placed on the market is eligible for the Certification, as any further alteration of the design may change the recycling compatibility.
Nevertheless, semi-finished packaging can still be evaluated and receive a Letter of Compatibility
Recyclability standard applies to brand owners and packaging producers for the assesment of their final or semi-finished products.
With nearly 30 years of experience for audit and certification of organic products in France and in more than 130 countries, Ecocert is the world's leading specialist in the certification of sustainable practices.
Sort under "Type of assessment" to find packaging or final products assessed regarding Design for Recycling certification, Recyclability rate certification or Letter of Compatibility.
List of certificates - Recyclass