Fair For Life
Certification enables your products coming from Fair Trade to be commercialized worldwide
The Fair for Life certification guarantees:
a fair purchase price superior to the market price
a protection system for the protection of producers in case of crisis : a minimum guaranteed price calculated on the basis of production costs
decent and safe working conditions throughout the supply chain regardless of its chain link and the country
enhancement of the producers' autonomy
environmentally friendly agricultural practices encouraging the transition to organic agriculture
The labelling by an independant certification body like Ecocert enables to display the logo Fair For Life on the products when 80% of its raw materials come from Fair Trade.
Fair for Life applies to agricultural raw materials, foodstuff, cosmetics, detergents, textiles and handicrafts.
The Fair for Life label is intended for producers, Grower groups, processors, importers or exporters, brands, distributors.
With nearly 30 years of experience for audit and certification of organic products in France and in more than 130 countries, Ecocert is the world's leading specialist in the certification of sustainable practices.