🤝 What is OWC ?
The OWC aims to provide organic and like-minded stakeholders working toward sustainable agriculture, value chains, and consumption with an opportunity to trade knowledge, innovations, and experiences about the organic world.
The Ecocert Group is co-organizer of the event, which will take place from 6 to 10 September 2021. As an expert in organic farming certification in France, Ecocert has actively participated in the development of regulations for the sector in Europe.
📢 The program
• Conferences, workshops, forums, awards ceremony, general assembly around organic farming, innovations and sustainable consumption... Everything to exchange and learn about many topics!
• 📢 The program Conference: Organic Livestock Systems: Their Performance, Potential, Opportunities
and Challenges by the Organic Agriculture Research Institute
• Conference: Ambassadors: Creating an international network to advance organic seed systems
• Forums: Value Chain / Leadership / Culture & Education
• Plenary session: Agents of change, let's accelerate the transformation: Who can lead the transformation and how? Cities, companies, social movements...
Click here to see the full program: https://owc.ifoam.bio/2021/fr/preliminary-program
📍 You can't come to Rennes (France)? The event is hybrid! Online access will be available.
Register now Registration: https://owc.ifoam.bio/2021/fr/registration